Fótbolti - Leikmaður í fóstur!!!

11.maí.2006  01:30

Þar sem ég hef unnið núna í svolítinn tíma að sérlega áhugaverðu verkefni varðandi það að koma á leikmannasamböndum við ÍBV og umheiminn þá getur svo farið að hingað til lands komi ungir knattpsyrnumenn í sumar, á aldrinum 15-18, frá Suður-Afríku og USA. Þeir munu dvelja hér frá 4 og upp í sennilegast 10 vikur allt eftir því hvernig tekst að semja við skólana þeirra. Nú þegar er í startholunum ungur strákur frá Suður-Afríku sem þykir mikið efni bæði á bókina sem og á íþróttavellinum, bæði í fótbolta og frjálsum og því velt ég fyrir mér hvort einhver fjölskylda hér i Eyjum er til í að hafa hann hjá sér í allt að 10 vikur. - það kemur vel til greina að skipta þessu upp í2-3 fjölskyldur ef svo vill verða en áhugasamir geta sent mér póst á fosterinn@hotmail.com eða hringt í mig í síma 895 8375

set hérna smá uppl. um þennan strák frá Suður Afríku svo fólk vitiaðeins hvað er verið að tala um.:

Wade is currently in grade 9 at Stellenberg High School in Durbanville Cape Town.

Wade has always been an achiever and hard worker. He has always excelled in his academics and also his sport. Academically Wade is a 70% average. In his sporting career since age 10, Wade has excelled in soccer and athletics.

Wade represented the province at age 11 in the national school soccer tournament, earning his provincial colours for soccer. He also represented his district in club level football for the past 3 years coming through each age division as an over achiever. Wade has also represented the province in athletics. Being one of the top athletes in High jump and hurdles in our province. At age 13, Wade set a new high jump record in the junior division of the dairy belle athletics championship. In 2005/2006 Wade again represented the province in Athletics.

His soccer career has also been playing in the Ambassadors Football club senior teams. In 2005 he was a regular in the 1st division amateur team playing as a striker. Wade is a central defender in his u/15 team and has a good understanding of positional play and reads the game very well. He has good speed and good ball control when on the run.

Wades’ aspirations to play overseas is evident in the work he puts into training and working on his fitness. He is a well respected player among his peers and also among the senior players. He shows great character and respect to all he works with.

Wade is definitely a holistic athlete and this is reflected in his day to day living. Wade reflects great maturity and is able to handle conflict and disappointments well. He always walks away wanting to do even better.